Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Movie Short: PRESTO!

Now that I have jabbered on about Wall-E and my so-so thoughts, let's talk about something I LOVED. Presto is the obligatory short that came on just before the main attraction. These are usually pretty cute, but I am never really blown away, especially compared to the actual movie I came to see.

But as we were sitting in the theater, Sean mentioned that he had heard that the short was worth the price of admission (and not to sound old, but $9 for a matinee!?!). After viewing, we turned to each other giggling and agreed it was very good. Also, it is probably worth the $1.99 at iTunes if you don't plan on seeing Wall-E.

Written and directed by Doug Sweetland, this didn't have the usual Pixar feel and was rather cartoony. Fun stuff. Check it out!

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