I can't even discuss Lost. I am still so overwhelmed with joy (Desmond! Penny!), sadness (Jin!!), appreciation (Sawyer's sacrifice - who's the better man now?), intrique (I just can't get over how much I love/hate Ben), shock (Locke must have failed leading the original Others. Creepy dead makeup, dude).
More discussion to come after I comprehend all that I just watched. Love it!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Movie: Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Man, that is a long title.
My sister Julie and I decided to go see Indiana Jones when she was in town visiting last week. She is a big Shia LeBeouf fan, and we figured it would be a fun one to see. She got to leave her son with Mimi and Papa and have a night out with me! We got snacks and a drink at the concession stand. We even got to go to Sonic afterward. I just love going to the movies but I don't go much anymore. Okay, enough about that.
I haven't been anxiously awaiting this one like I have, say, The Dark Knight, but I have to say I was curious how it would be. I was relieved to see the character played to his age, with a few gaffs that may not have happened had Indiana still been in his 30s. Harrison Ford plays Indiana Jones and Han Solo with similar attitudes, that make his snarkiness and bull-headedness very likable. You almost forget this guy played Jack Ryan so many times. And the president. And the guy in Regarding Henry (such a tearjerker).
Shia as Mutt was really fun. I got several elbows to the ribs from my sister, and there was a good deal of giggling between the two of us. Is it that she is 32 and I am 29 that makes it so funny? Not sure, but Shia plays his characters in a very likable way, and seeing him in interviews makes him more appealing. He is a goofy and down to earthy guy. Definitely gives him likability points.
Enough of all that. Let's discuss the movie. It wasn't the greatest movie I have ever seen. The story was pretty far out there, even for Indiana Jones (not that I mind, but I am sure many viewers would). The special effects, in my opinion, were awful, but I wondered if they were trying to keep in line with the previous films of the 1980s, and to go over the top with CGI might make it seem to different. If that is the case, I can forgive the movie for that.
Was it entertaining? Yes. Am I glad I watched it? Yes. Is it THE movie of the summer? Not really. I still want to see Iron Man, and don't get me started on Batman.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
American Idol - And the winner is...
First off, let's discuss the show so far. I am watching it without rewind (or FF) capabilities and with an antenna, meaning that I can't see it all that well. And, UGH! I hate being on the west coast. Everyone else has seen this before I have even started! Onto the festivities.
So are these dancers the SYTYCD gang, or am I seeing thing? During the Donna Summer medley Top 6 ladies performance, I think I saw Hok, so I figured it was his dance crew. Speaking of the Donna Summer songs, did anyone look closely at Amanda during this performance. Her lack of movement and facial expression was a source of amusement for us.
Let's back up to the performance of Heroes (by Nickelback, I think), performed by our two finalists. I thought David Cook stood out more in this song, probably because of the genre of music.
I enjoyed the Top 6 Guys performance of the Bryan Adams medley. I was glad to see Chikezie, but not David Hernandez so much... And then Bryan Adam sang Ray's song from 90210! I am pretty sure this song has been performed at the Peach Pit...After Dark.
We agreed that the professionals kept showing up the performers. Maybe they should reconsider bringing them into sing with the contestants...
I am sure it was cool for David Cook to sing with ZZ Top, but it seems cool that he got to play guitar, too. I don't know how these guys aren't intimidated by the legends they are performing with. That was a fun guitar solo with a little singing on the side.
(I would be okay if I never had to see Mikala again.)
I loved Brooke's performance with Graham Nash. It was very folksy and I got to hear (again) what type of record I am sure she'll be making. Can't wait. Love her. And he kept her on tempo!
(Did anyone else NOT fast forward through the Guitar Hero commercial starring David Cook doing his best Risky Business Tom Cruise impression, without pants and all? I am not sure I was prepared to see him without pants on, but at least it wasn't gross.)
I enjoyed watching David Archuleta singing with One Republic. This song fit his voice really well. If I closed my eyes, I could ALMOST hear him singing a current song on pop radio.
(And there was David Archuleta's Guitar Hero commercial, too.)
So they have now begun a George Michael medley, so GM himself BETTER be coming down those stairs in a second. On a side note, I like the men in black suits and the ladies in black dresses. They look lovely! And there he is!!!! Love me some George Michael (I actually clapped really hard when he came out and now my palms hurt). But his glasses are very bad. I was glad to hear him sing Praying for Time, since Carrie Underwood performed it on Idol Gives Back a few weeks back (and daily on my ipod).
OK, finally the announcement. First Simon apologizes to Cook, which I (and my sister Jenna) appreciated and am I sure he did, too. The winner is... David Cook!! OK, I really did NOT see that coming. But I am so happy for him. And I love him all the more for being a crier. My sister-in-law Kristin's whopping 40 votes must have paid off! Well, I can't wait to hear his album.
So are these dancers the SYTYCD gang, or am I seeing thing? During the Donna Summer medley Top 6 ladies performance, I think I saw Hok, so I figured it was his dance crew. Speaking of the Donna Summer songs, did anyone look closely at Amanda during this performance. Her lack of movement and facial expression was a source of amusement for us.
Let's back up to the performance of Heroes (by Nickelback, I think), performed by our two finalists. I thought David Cook stood out more in this song, probably because of the genre of music.
I enjoyed the Top 6 Guys performance of the Bryan Adams medley. I was glad to see Chikezie, but not David Hernandez so much... And then Bryan Adam sang Ray's song from 90210! I am pretty sure this song has been performed at the Peach Pit...After Dark.
We agreed that the professionals kept showing up the performers. Maybe they should reconsider bringing them into sing with the contestants...
I am sure it was cool for David Cook to sing with ZZ Top, but it seems cool that he got to play guitar, too. I don't know how these guys aren't intimidated by the legends they are performing with. That was a fun guitar solo with a little singing on the side.
(I would be okay if I never had to see Mikala again.)
I loved Brooke's performance with Graham Nash. It was very folksy and I got to hear (again) what type of record I am sure she'll be making. Can't wait. Love her. And he kept her on tempo!
(Did anyone else NOT fast forward through the Guitar Hero commercial starring David Cook doing his best Risky Business Tom Cruise impression, without pants and all? I am not sure I was prepared to see him without pants on, but at least it wasn't gross.)
I enjoyed watching David Archuleta singing with One Republic. This song fit his voice really well. If I closed my eyes, I could ALMOST hear him singing a current song on pop radio.
(And there was David Archuleta's Guitar Hero commercial, too.)
So they have now begun a George Michael medley, so GM himself BETTER be coming down those stairs in a second. On a side note, I like the men in black suits and the ladies in black dresses. They look lovely! And there he is!!!! Love me some George Michael (I actually clapped really hard when he came out and now my palms hurt). But his glasses are very bad. I was glad to hear him sing Praying for Time, since Carrie Underwood performed it on Idol Gives Back a few weeks back (and daily on my ipod).
OK, finally the announcement. First Simon apologizes to Cook, which I (and my sister Jenna) appreciated and am I sure he did, too. The winner is... David Cook!! OK, I really did NOT see that coming. But I am so happy for him. And I love him all the more for being a crier. My sister-in-law Kristin's whopping 40 votes must have paid off! Well, I can't wait to hear his album.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
American Idol - The Final Two Perform
I have been slow on the posts lately because I moved over the weekend. And so tonight is not only the first TV I have watched since Friday, but it is the first non-DVR show I have watched in a couple of years. On top of that, I am now on the East Coast, so not only have I had to adjust back to 8pm instead of 7pm for the start of prime time, but I am a full 3 HOURS behind everyone else I know watching TV. I hope no one spoils any of my TV.
Round One: Songs chosen by Clive Davis. Clive chose two songs I absolutely adore, as well as songs that I think are a good fit for the singers. It was quite a face-off.
Cook – I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2 – It was very well performed. Again, I can see the type of album the producers (aka Clive Davis) are aiming for here. And I like it.
Archuleta - Don’t Let the Song Go Down on Me by Elton John – I love this song, particularly George Michael’s live version, with Elton John guesting on the second verse. But I have to say, as a person who has not LOVED David Arrchuleta this season, that was an excellent performance. You can tell he either decided to step up his game or the adrenaline of the finale/larger venue was motivating his stronger performance.
Round One Winner: David Archuleta (I said that BEFORE Simon said it, not because)
Round Two: New Song, Contestant Choice
Cook – Dream Big, written by Emily Shackleton – Well, we knew it would be cheesy, right? I mean the lyrics are ALWAYS cheesy, and David still performed it well enough, that I didn’t think it was as cheesy as the usual.
Archuleta – In This Moment, written by Ryan Gilmore – Of course, David would not only pick the cheesier song choice, but he would excel at it because it is his comfort zone. I can’t imagine hearing it on the radio, but I have never been able to imagine Archuleta on the radio, anyway.
Round Two Winner: David Archuleta (He is just better at cheese)
Round Three: Contestant’s Choice
Cook – The World I Know by Collective Soul - David is pretty good at picking songs that are relevant, in his range, in his style, and people would know. But he probably could have picked a better song. All that to say, I still liked it. (Did Paula really say “You’re standing in your truth”?)
Archuleta – Imagine by John Lennon – I am disappointed that David chose to sing a song he has already performed on the show, even though the first time he performed it, it was great. This was probably one of my favorite performances of his then, and it sounded the same this time around, so it was good again.
Round Three Winner: David Archuleta
Wow, these boys cry as much as any female contestants we have ever seen. Will one of them choke their way through their winning song tomorrow a la Kelly Clarkson’s A Moment Like This? Possibly so.
I give this competition to David Archuleta, and my guess is that it will be better for Cook to not win, and not be under as many contractual obligations. Plus, he won’t have to release that cheesefest Dream Big any time soon. Here’s hoping. But I am hoping that Archuleta can come up with a new response tomorrow night if he wins, than this shock and thankfulness. Not that I think he is insincere, I just would like to see him say thank you and accept his accolades.
Oh Reuben!! That song is just horrendous, but glad to see he is as smiley as always.
Round One: Songs chosen by Clive Davis. Clive chose two songs I absolutely adore, as well as songs that I think are a good fit for the singers. It was quite a face-off.
Cook – I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2 – It was very well performed. Again, I can see the type of album the producers (aka Clive Davis) are aiming for here. And I like it.
Archuleta - Don’t Let the Song Go Down on Me by Elton John – I love this song, particularly George Michael’s live version, with Elton John guesting on the second verse. But I have to say, as a person who has not LOVED David Arrchuleta this season, that was an excellent performance. You can tell he either decided to step up his game or the adrenaline of the finale/larger venue was motivating his stronger performance.
Round One Winner: David Archuleta (I said that BEFORE Simon said it, not because)
Round Two: New Song, Contestant Choice
Cook – Dream Big, written by Emily Shackleton – Well, we knew it would be cheesy, right? I mean the lyrics are ALWAYS cheesy, and David still performed it well enough, that I didn’t think it was as cheesy as the usual.
Archuleta – In This Moment, written by Ryan Gilmore – Of course, David would not only pick the cheesier song choice, but he would excel at it because it is his comfort zone. I can’t imagine hearing it on the radio, but I have never been able to imagine Archuleta on the radio, anyway.
Round Two Winner: David Archuleta (He is just better at cheese)
Round Three: Contestant’s Choice
Cook – The World I Know by Collective Soul - David is pretty good at picking songs that are relevant, in his range, in his style, and people would know. But he probably could have picked a better song. All that to say, I still liked it. (Did Paula really say “You’re standing in your truth”?)
Archuleta – Imagine by John Lennon – I am disappointed that David chose to sing a song he has already performed on the show, even though the first time he performed it, it was great. This was probably one of my favorite performances of his then, and it sounded the same this time around, so it was good again.
Round Three Winner: David Archuleta
Wow, these boys cry as much as any female contestants we have ever seen. Will one of them choke their way through their winning song tomorrow a la Kelly Clarkson’s A Moment Like This? Possibly so.
I give this competition to David Archuleta, and my guess is that it will be better for Cook to not win, and not be under as many contractual obligations. Plus, he won’t have to release that cheesefest Dream Big any time soon. Here’s hoping. But I am hoping that Archuleta can come up with a new response tomorrow night if he wins, than this shock and thankfulness. Not that I think he is insincere, I just would like to see him say thank you and accept his accolades.
Oh Reuben!! That song is just horrendous, but glad to see he is as smiley as always.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
American Idol: Final 3 Results Show
Tonight, we get to see our Final Two Idols. First we get to see everyone's trips back home. Did they really need police escorts? After seeing David A's trip home (Murray City, UT), I guess so. It was sweet to see young, awkward David crying when he went home. He got to see his home-town support. It reminded me that he is just a kid. Then, Syesha got to go home (Sarasota, FL), and she cried, too. Is David C. going to cry too? We head to Kansas City, MO where the fans came out even in the pouring rain. No tears yet... But how cute were the elementary school kids screaming. And he cried! Three for three. And all that to say, this was a big show of filler (as you would expect). And I watched every second.
So anyway, now the elimination:
Going home: Syesha Mercado
Final Two: David Archuleta & David Cook
Well, didn't EVERY person in America (and Canada) call that one? Even Syesha knew. Can't wait for next week. And I am tired of being tied to this!
So anyway, now the elimination:
Going home: Syesha Mercado
Final Two: David Archuleta & David Cook
Well, didn't EVERY person in America (and Canada) call that one? Even Syesha knew. Can't wait for next week. And I am tired of being tied to this!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
American Idol: Final 3 Face Off
Tonight's episode is my favorite episode of every season. The one where the judges (to hear the style the judges have been wanting the contestants to sing all season), the contestants (to hear the style the contestants have wished they could sing all season), and the producers (to hear the style the producers will force upon the contestants for the album) each choose a song. So 3 songs each! Let's get started.
David Archuleta
Judge's choice (Paula): And So It Goes by Billy Joel - I absolutely adore this song. Probably my favorite Billy Joel song. I really liked that he did the first part a capella, and the the light orchestra came in. Really pretty. Kind of same old David. Flubbed the words a bit. But I liked it.
Contestant's choice: With You by Chris Brown. This choice shocked me. And I was so glad to hear he is singing something current (while it is my least favorite Chris Brown song to date). I actually hollered out in excitement. Some of the words were funny to hear him singing. But at least I could begin to imagine what he would sound like singing a current R&B song. It was a smart move. All that to say, I still found it awkward.
Producer's choice: Longer by Dan Fogelberg - Along the same cheese lines as usual. I liked his performance, but the producers picked THAT song? They want us to see him as that type of singer?
Syesha Mercado
Judge's choice (Randy): If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys - We know that Syesha picks the songs of big voices, but who knew the judges would pick someone like Alicia, too? She sounds great and all, but pick something to showcase a different side of her! I just felt like it was a bit copy-cat. I couldn't get Alicia's version out of my head, so it paled in comparison. (Simon agreed with my assessment!)
Contestant's choice: Fever by Peggy Lee - Fun song. I think she just wants to have a good time. And she uses the chair (or chay-er??) for her performance. She sang it fine. She seems to enjoy performing (and not just singing) which makes her pleasant to watch. But she is still just... Fine is a good description. The judges pretty much ripped her up.
Producer's choice: Hit Me Up by Gia Farrell This song makes a little more sense from the producers (as opposed to Lil' David). I don't love it. She is more in her comfort zone with a slower, bigger ballad. It was a strange performance.
David Cook
Judge's choice (Simon): The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack - Once again, David proves he can actually sing, and not just perform like a rocker. So good. So hot. Loved it. Simon's song choice was great to showcase his talent in a different way than usual.
Contestant's choice: Dare You To Move by Switchfoot. I am a big fan of Switchfoot. Love this song! And it is an interesting song choice. I wish he wasn't singing so long in his lower register, which is weaker in my opinion. But he really can rock out any song if he wants to. It had a rockier feel than the original. I agreed with Paula about the timing and the rush of the song.
Producer's choice: I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing by Aerosmith - I am disappointed to hear that the has to sing this. And I am sure it is like his worst nightmare. It is one of the least "rock" Aerosmith songs. All that to say, I thought he did a good job. I liked the performance with the orchestra. And of course he was able to "rock it up" as he normally does (thank goodness). I love rock mixed with orchestra (see Metallica's S&M album. so good.).
Final Thoughts:
Favorite performance: David Cook's The First Time...
Least favorite performance: Syesha's Hit Me Up
Final two: David & David (big surprise)
David Archuleta
Judge's choice (Paula): And So It Goes by Billy Joel - I absolutely adore this song. Probably my favorite Billy Joel song. I really liked that he did the first part a capella, and the the light orchestra came in. Really pretty. Kind of same old David. Flubbed the words a bit. But I liked it.
Contestant's choice: With You by Chris Brown. This choice shocked me. And I was so glad to hear he is singing something current (while it is my least favorite Chris Brown song to date). I actually hollered out in excitement. Some of the words were funny to hear him singing. But at least I could begin to imagine what he would sound like singing a current R&B song. It was a smart move. All that to say, I still found it awkward.
Producer's choice: Longer by Dan Fogelberg - Along the same cheese lines as usual. I liked his performance, but the producers picked THAT song? They want us to see him as that type of singer?
Syesha Mercado
Judge's choice (Randy): If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys - We know that Syesha picks the songs of big voices, but who knew the judges would pick someone like Alicia, too? She sounds great and all, but pick something to showcase a different side of her! I just felt like it was a bit copy-cat. I couldn't get Alicia's version out of my head, so it paled in comparison. (Simon agreed with my assessment!)
Contestant's choice: Fever by Peggy Lee - Fun song. I think she just wants to have a good time. And she uses the chair (or chay-er??) for her performance. She sang it fine. She seems to enjoy performing (and not just singing) which makes her pleasant to watch. But she is still just... Fine is a good description. The judges pretty much ripped her up.
Producer's choice: Hit Me Up by Gia Farrell This song makes a little more sense from the producers (as opposed to Lil' David). I don't love it. She is more in her comfort zone with a slower, bigger ballad. It was a strange performance.
David Cook
Judge's choice (Simon): The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack - Once again, David proves he can actually sing, and not just perform like a rocker. So good. So hot. Loved it. Simon's song choice was great to showcase his talent in a different way than usual.
Contestant's choice: Dare You To Move by Switchfoot. I am a big fan of Switchfoot. Love this song! And it is an interesting song choice. I wish he wasn't singing so long in his lower register, which is weaker in my opinion. But he really can rock out any song if he wants to. It had a rockier feel than the original. I agreed with Paula about the timing and the rush of the song.
Producer's choice: I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing by Aerosmith - I am disappointed to hear that the has to sing this. And I am sure it is like his worst nightmare. It is one of the least "rock" Aerosmith songs. All that to say, I thought he did a good job. I liked the performance with the orchestra. And of course he was able to "rock it up" as he normally does (thank goodness). I love rock mixed with orchestra (see Metallica's S&M album. so good.).
Final Thoughts:
Favorite performance: David Cook's The First Time...
Least favorite performance: Syesha's Hit Me Up
Final two: David & David (big surprise)
Friday, May 09, 2008
Lost - "Cabin Fever"
I didn't enjoy last week's episode as much as I would have liked. I am not sure if it had to to with the content of the episode, or that I had to wait till Sunday to watch it at 10:30 at night, with my husband who had already seen the episode.
But not this week. I waited till 9:20, which is when I start watching so I can FF through commercials on my Tivo. I had accidentally found out this would be a Locke-centric episode, so I knew it was going to be a good one. Besides Ben, I believe that Locke may be the only character that has flashed back all the way to his birth. That just tells me that the flashbacks aren't necessarily memories, just explanations of a person's background.
John Locke - Sean totally called that it was Richard standing in the window looking at baby John in the hospital (Hey, I called Abaddon!). My question: Is he not aging? Or is he doing some sort of time jumping? My guess is that he is not aging. And, was it me or was that the largest 3 month preemie you have ever seen?
So Richard's gang thinks that Locke is "chosen" from a very early age, huh? But then he chooses the knife and it is all over. What changed? Why is he "chosen" now? Or is he?
"We have to move the island." Well, there had to be some explanation of why Widmore (among many others) can't locate the island. Here it is: It moves. I have read speculation that it moves, with many responses that that is just the stupidest suggestion ever. Is ANYTHING out of the realm of possibility on this show? I think not, so quit your whining and enjoy it.
Keamy - Was it me or was there a gratuitous viewing of old Keamy's bulging muscles during the scene where Lapidis & Michael/Kevin were watching him strap that thing to his arm? I am not on the "Sexy Keamy" bandwagon - he kind of creeps me out. But I am sure that was pleasing to many a Keamy fan. In the meantime, this guy is NUTS! And, oops, what do you know? He slit that doctor's throat and through him overboard. Sean pointed out that the dead doctor and the helicopter set out about the same time for the island, and the dead body arrived much much earlier than the copter. I was thinking that it would be partially due the bearing that the body "took" to the island. But I also wonder if Lapidis might take the wrong bearing on purpose. And YAY he threw the comm phone over the side of the copter, but what will that do? How will that help?
Claire - She is SO dead. Or is she? I still really want her to be able to raise Aaron! But, yeah I think she is dead. How else can you explain her seemingly stoner self?
Love this show.
But not this week. I waited till 9:20, which is when I start watching so I can FF through commercials on my Tivo. I had accidentally found out this would be a Locke-centric episode, so I knew it was going to be a good one. Besides Ben, I believe that Locke may be the only character that has flashed back all the way to his birth. That just tells me that the flashbacks aren't necessarily memories, just explanations of a person's background.
John Locke - Sean totally called that it was Richard standing in the window looking at baby John in the hospital (Hey, I called Abaddon!). My question: Is he not aging? Or is he doing some sort of time jumping? My guess is that he is not aging. And, was it me or was that the largest 3 month preemie you have ever seen?
So Richard's gang thinks that Locke is "chosen" from a very early age, huh? But then he chooses the knife and it is all over. What changed? Why is he "chosen" now? Or is he?
"We have to move the island." Well, there had to be some explanation of why Widmore (among many others) can't locate the island. Here it is: It moves. I have read speculation that it moves, with many responses that that is just the stupidest suggestion ever. Is ANYTHING out of the realm of possibility on this show? I think not, so quit your whining and enjoy it.
Keamy - Was it me or was there a gratuitous viewing of old Keamy's bulging muscles during the scene where Lapidis & Michael/Kevin were watching him strap that thing to his arm? I am not on the "Sexy Keamy" bandwagon - he kind of creeps me out. But I am sure that was pleasing to many a Keamy fan. In the meantime, this guy is NUTS! And, oops, what do you know? He slit that doctor's throat and through him overboard. Sean pointed out that the dead doctor and the helicopter set out about the same time for the island, and the dead body arrived much much earlier than the copter. I was thinking that it would be partially due the bearing that the body "took" to the island. But I also wonder if Lapidis might take the wrong bearing on purpose. And YAY he threw the comm phone over the side of the copter, but what will that do? How will that help?
Claire - She is SO dead. Or is she? I still really want her to be able to raise Aaron! But, yeah I think she is dead. How else can you explain her seemingly stoner self?
Love this show.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
TV Catch Up...
I have been out of town and am now packing to move very last minute, so I have been a bit behind, but I just wanted to say a few words about the last few days of television:
American Idol - We said goodbye to Jason Castro. I was glad to see him go. He was glad to see him go. I don't think there was any disappointment for anyone involved. He had a few high points, and he bowed out semi-gracefully. I don't think I would buy his CD. And what was his comment about his brain being dead??
Dancing with the Stars - This season just has not held my attention very well. But I was glad to see Mario & Karina go before Marissa & Tony. Personally, while I was impressed at their maneuvering, I didn't think that Cristian and Cheryl deserved 10s or the top spot on the leaderboard. All I saw when I watched them dancing was his paranoia about hurting his arm. I would like to see the top 2 to be Jason & Edyta vs. Kristy & Mark because those two pairings have been the best consistently. And third I would like to see Marissa & Tony because I just love them both. No more sympathy voting for Cristian. Also, this week we got to see Maks again! Love him...
American Idol - We said goodbye to Jason Castro. I was glad to see him go. He was glad to see him go. I don't think there was any disappointment for anyone involved. He had a few high points, and he bowed out semi-gracefully. I don't think I would buy his CD. And what was his comment about his brain being dead??
Dancing with the Stars - This season just has not held my attention very well. But I was glad to see Mario & Karina go before Marissa & Tony. Personally, while I was impressed at their maneuvering, I didn't think that Cristian and Cheryl deserved 10s or the top spot on the leaderboard. All I saw when I watched them dancing was his paranoia about hurting his arm. I would like to see the top 2 to be Jason & Edyta vs. Kristy & Mark because those two pairings have been the best consistently. And third I would like to see Marissa & Tony because I just love them both. No more sympathy voting for Cristian. Also, this week we got to see Maks again! Love him...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
American Idol - Top 4 Performances
Tonight, the song selections are coming from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. So basically, they have years and years of rock (& roll) to choose from. Song selection should be interesting. What cheese-fest song will David A. choose tonight? You would NOT believe how many people are in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. These singers could have chosen almost ANYthing. Let's see what they picked, shall we?
David Cook - Hungry Like the Wolf - It wasn't my favorite performance from David, but I think it is because it was a lot in his lower register, which isn't his strength. I didn't dislike it, but he has had so many good performances, that the ones I don't love are that much more obvious.
Baba O'Reilly - It was slightly iffy on the lower parts, and slightly slow getting started, but I loved the performance. I really like this song and Sean and I both expected him to do a good job.
Syesha Mercado - Proud Mary - This was a big undertaking, and of course, Tina Turner fits right in with all the other divas that Syesha sings. Oh, but did she have to do the "moves?" It was a fine performance, but if you read my previous Idol blog posts, she is just not my fave. As my husband hollered (yes, hollered) from the other room, "Eh..."
A Change is Gonna Come - She sang a bunch of long notes that she likes to use to show off her voice. It was, again, just OK. I am tired of writing that every week. Time to go... (But at least what Paula & Simon said was really nice)
Jason Castro - I Shot the Sheriff - Could anything have been as obvious of a song choice for Jason as Bob Marley? But I didn't love the performance. And it was weird seeing his dreads bouncing around while he was channeling Bob Marley. I just didn't like it.
Mister Tambourine Man - The first Bob was a failure. What about the second Bob? Much better than round one. Still maybe not my favorite performance (especially when he forgot the lyrics). The judges know that they can't make an Idol of Jason (like they could of David and David), and I agree.
David Archuleta - Stand By Me - I love this song. He sounds a bit like he is out of breath when he sings. He has a really beautiful voice and I liked the performance. Didn't love it (Wow! the audience sure did), but liked it. The things that bother me about his singing are always so apparent (the awkwardness, the breathing, the lips-licking)
Love Me Tender - What do you know? David didn't do his usual save the world piece. For all the girls who love him, you would think he would play to his audience and perform more love songs. But let's face it. He has probably not experienced love yet. It was very pretty, and not just an Elvis copycat performance.
Bottom 2: Jason & Syesha
Going home: Syesha (although, I would not be surprised in the least if Jason heads home instead)
David Cook - Hungry Like the Wolf - It wasn't my favorite performance from David, but I think it is because it was a lot in his lower register, which isn't his strength. I didn't dislike it, but he has had so many good performances, that the ones I don't love are that much more obvious.
Baba O'Reilly - It was slightly iffy on the lower parts, and slightly slow getting started, but I loved the performance. I really like this song and Sean and I both expected him to do a good job.
Syesha Mercado - Proud Mary - This was a big undertaking, and of course, Tina Turner fits right in with all the other divas that Syesha sings. Oh, but did she have to do the "moves?" It was a fine performance, but if you read my previous Idol blog posts, she is just not my fave. As my husband hollered (yes, hollered) from the other room, "Eh..."
A Change is Gonna Come - She sang a bunch of long notes that she likes to use to show off her voice. It was, again, just OK. I am tired of writing that every week. Time to go... (But at least what Paula & Simon said was really nice)
Jason Castro - I Shot the Sheriff - Could anything have been as obvious of a song choice for Jason as Bob Marley? But I didn't love the performance. And it was weird seeing his dreads bouncing around while he was channeling Bob Marley. I just didn't like it.
Mister Tambourine Man - The first Bob was a failure. What about the second Bob? Much better than round one. Still maybe not my favorite performance (especially when he forgot the lyrics). The judges know that they can't make an Idol of Jason (like they could of David and David), and I agree.
David Archuleta - Stand By Me - I love this song. He sounds a bit like he is out of breath when he sings. He has a really beautiful voice and I liked the performance. Didn't love it (Wow! the audience sure did), but liked it. The things that bother me about his singing are always so apparent (the awkwardness, the breathing, the lips-licking)
Love Me Tender - What do you know? David didn't do his usual save the world piece. For all the girls who love him, you would think he would play to his audience and perform more love songs. But let's face it. He has probably not experienced love yet. It was very pretty, and not just an Elvis copycat performance.
Bottom 2: Jason & Syesha
Going home: Syesha (although, I would not be surprised in the least if Jason heads home instead)
TV Thoughts
I have been out of town for several days and am still catching up on shows. But I wanted to put a few thoughts out there on the stuff I have managed to see.
LOST - So we saw the moment Jack really starts to lose it. I still think the turning point was the moment he beat up Ben after he thought the guys on the beach had been killed (last season's finale). But here we find out that his visit to Hurley and subsequent Father/Son time has sent him bonkers, to the point of screwing up the good thing he had going with Kate. A couple of questions. Why was his chest and stomach completely hair-free? And I couldn't see a scar from his appendectemy. Also, I thought it was a good point that Rose made, "Why is the island letting Jack get sick" when we know the island is a healing one.
New thought on Claire: I don't think she will die because the psychic said that she is the only one that should raise Aaron, which tells me that she will eventually raise him. But that is just my interpretation.
Battlestar Galactica - I really like the interaction between Leoban and Starbuck. I also saw that mutiny coming from a mile away. Did anyone notice how nice Helo looks with his hair mussed and all sweaty? :) I really like Helo and how far his character has come from having puppy-dog eyes for Sharon to being a real leader. The interaction between Baltar & Tyrol was very sweet and well-acted. They were both actually genuine and it was clearly what they both needed at that point in time. Can we kill off Tory already?
Dancing with the Stars - The leaderboard order is really starting to jump. I don't know if I thought Cristian & Cheryl's dances were worthy of them being on the top. But good for them for overcoming the obstacle of his injured arm. It was all I could stare at while they danced. My guess for the bottom 2 tonight is Mario/Karina and Marissa/Tony (although I love Marissa and hope they don't go home!).
LOST - So we saw the moment Jack really starts to lose it. I still think the turning point was the moment he beat up Ben after he thought the guys on the beach had been killed (last season's finale). But here we find out that his visit to Hurley and subsequent Father/Son time has sent him bonkers, to the point of screwing up the good thing he had going with Kate. A couple of questions. Why was his chest and stomach completely hair-free? And I couldn't see a scar from his appendectemy. Also, I thought it was a good point that Rose made, "Why is the island letting Jack get sick" when we know the island is a healing one.
New thought on Claire: I don't think she will die because the psychic said that she is the only one that should raise Aaron, which tells me that she will eventually raise him. But that is just my interpretation.
Battlestar Galactica - I really like the interaction between Leoban and Starbuck. I also saw that mutiny coming from a mile away. Did anyone notice how nice Helo looks with his hair mussed and all sweaty? :) I really like Helo and how far his character has come from having puppy-dog eyes for Sharon to being a real leader. The interaction between Baltar & Tyrol was very sweet and well-acted. They were both actually genuine and it was clearly what they both needed at that point in time. Can we kill off Tory already?
Dancing with the Stars - The leaderboard order is really starting to jump. I don't know if I thought Cristian & Cheryl's dances were worthy of them being on the top. But good for them for overcoming the obstacle of his injured arm. It was all I could stare at while they danced. My guess for the bottom 2 tonight is Mario/Karina and Marissa/Tony (although I love Marissa and hope they don't go home!).
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Idol: Down to Four

Last night we said goodbye to Brooke. I was sad to see her go because I have really liked her all along (yes, there were some bad performances and some awkward moments). But I can totally see myself buying her album, so I look forward to it. I wish she could have made the Final 3 but I know that was not realistic.
Goodbye, Brooke. Can't wait to see what you have in store.
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