Sorry for the delayed posting.
The Dark Knight took precedence. I am shocked it took me this long to go see it.
As for tonight's show, I am anxious to see who is paired with whom, and what dances will be on the docket! Let's get going because there is a lot of dancin' to discuss.
The third judge is Toni Basil (singer, dancer, choreographer, and some other stuff I didn't catch).
Up first:
Courtney & WillSamba (Jean-Marc Genereaux) - These two looked hot and had all the attitude this dance required. It was fun and sassy. I don't prefer mesh shirts, but I can forgive Will's.
Hip Hop (Tabitha & Napoleon) - Will seems incapable of doing any wrong from a technical standpoint. He is great in any style. But for some reason, he hasn't caught on strong with America. I liked this dance, but didn't love it. I say that a lot. But I think it could have been more emotional or something. Not sure.
Katee & TwitchContemporary (Mia Michaels) - I loved the raw, down-n-dirty feel of this performance. I was disappointed only by how long it took for the two of them to start dancing, and, once Katee started, Twitch was still doing a lot of standing around. However, once Twitch got moving, I thought he was good. This was a fun one. One more thing to mention... I love how Twitch can be so goofy and funny one second and sexy and rugged the next.
Broadway (Tyce Diorio) - I guess she got her man in the end, didn't she? I loved the fast part of this performance. Just seems very "Broadway." It was a fun performance.
Comfort & MarkHip Hop (Tabitha & Napoleon) - I am over Comfort. Yes, that is mean, but oh well. I hope she goes home this week. Mark was pretty good in this, but I am feeling like he has been floundering since he has been split up from Chelsie. I do like that Mark seems pretty versatile in the attitude he brings to a dance (gangsta, romantic, sexy, silly, proper).
Fox Trot (Jean-Mark Genereaux) - You know, this was at least better than I expected. I enjoyed how stylized this was. I preferred Mark over Comfort here (big surprise). Technically, I am sure it wasn't all that great.
Chelsie & JoshuaArgentine Tango (Dmitry Chaplin) - These are two of my favorites so there is extra pressure. I adored
Dmitry's Samba on the show in Season 3, so I have high hopes for the routine, too. Chelsie carried the performance. She was unreal. Joshua sees like such a great partner, so trustworthy, strong, and a good leader.
Disco (Doriana Sanchez) - Oh my gosh! They are doing the
Pamchenko! (OK, not really, that was both legs, and the most ridiculous and physcially impossible ice skating move). Doriana's routines are never my favorite, but having these two as the dancers made it more enjoyable for me. I thought it was really fun and energetic. Impressive lifts and tricks.
Solos:Comfort - I know Comfort is good, but Nigel's early on acknowledgement she is the best female hip hop dancer this show has seen has really raised the bar for her performances, and she just doesn't seem to meet expectations with her solos...
Will - OK, the wig was so distracting... But this was a really amusing dance and I think Will is trying to show his personality a little better. It certainly showed versatility.
Katee - Katee's attitude just before she made it to the top 20 really grated on me. I didn't like her from the start, and really felt like Josh out-shined her most of the time. But, admittedly, she has grown on me a great deal and I can now give her credit for her own dance ability. Her solo was impressive, and she is very capable of showing her emotion through her movement.
Mark - His solos are so strange. No one could ever say Mark is not original. That is the main reason I like him so much. I worry for his safety this week, though.
Chelsie - I would kill for her legs. She is so quick and has lots of sass in her dance steps. I am never blown away by ballroom dancers' solos (except that cape one from Pasha last year), but this was pretty good.
Joshua - It never fails to impress me how well he moves and how flexible he is for his body type. He has serious butt and thighs.
Courtney - As usual, I enjoyed her movement and her emotion.
Twitch - I liked his solo just fine, but was waiting for something more. Some fun crazy moves or something.
A couple of things to note:
1) I would like to say that I really enjoyed Toni Basil as this week's guest judge. She should come back soon.
2) Was it just me or did Mark not do a very good job of covering his disappointment when he chose Comfort out of the hat?
Fave routines:Katee & Twitch's Contemporary
Chelsie & Joshua's Argentine Tango
Least fave routines:Comfort & Mark's Fox Trot
Going home:Mark :(