Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Christian Bale NOT looking so good...

Christian Bale continues his noble efforts to make me think he is gross. And this takes a lot of effort. First, there was that rant last year. Which I really tried to overlook. I did. I am still trying. But then with the release of Public Enemies, he has been interviewed talking about Johnny Depp. Basically, he is such a method actor that he stays in character for months during filming, never interacting with Depp on set. How can anyone resist Johnny Depp? But then, to really take it over the top, he looks like this on the set of his new film The Fighter. Why, Christian, why? I know you don't want to be a heartthrob, but you don't have to make it so hard for those of us who still love you these days.


Jen said...

I never really saw his appeal anyway, but this pic really doesn't do him any favors. Wow! I think he takes the whole method acting thing just a bit too far.

Emily said...

Can you please publish a new post so I won't have to see this horrid picture of Christian every time I visit your blog? Thanks! :)